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Dec 31, 2020

LETS DITCH 2020: a podcast about love, marriage & relationships by Dr. Ray & Jean offering relationship advice for couples about how to end 2020 in the best way possible and welcome the opportunities of 2021.

Please subscribe to our podcast and leave us a comment and review. If you have questions, topic suggestions or...

Dec 28, 2020

LATISHA & AKIDA'S STORY: a podcast about love, marriage & relationships by Dr. Ray & Jean offering relationship advice for couples. Latisha & Akida were interviewed about how they came from unhealthy relationships to making this one work.

For more information about Latisha's podcast:

Dec 21, 2020

JIM & GINA'S STORY: a podcast about love, marriage & relationships by Dr. Ray & Jean offering relationship advice for couples interviewing Jim & Gina about how he came out of 2 divorces with 2 children, a big age gap and was able to create a successful relationship with Gina. When he met her, he told her that he "didn't...

Dec 14, 2020

WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN A THERAPIST OR COACH: a podcast about love, marriage & relationships by Dr. Ray & Jean offering relationship advice for couples about how to choose the right relationship therapist or relationship coach. What you should look for and what questions you should ask to make the right decision for...

Dec 7, 2020

INTERVIEW WITH AUTHOR SOFIA HUSNAIN: a podcast about love, marriage & relationships by Dr. Ray & Jean offering relationship advice for couples. They interview Sofia about her arranged marriage, her upbringing in Pakistan and about her work with health and wellness coaching

Sofia Husnain is courageously transparent in...